Yoga brings many benefits to your overall health and well-being. It can balance your energy, increase flexibility and relieve stress. There is a connection between stress and hypothyroidism but certain yoga poses helps to balance out thyroids that are either overactive or underactive. It is scientifically proven that there is a positive effect of yoga on improving thyroid function. But keep in mind that these poses cannot cure your thyroid imbalance. Yoga is considered as a complementary therapy. It shouldn’t be used as a replacement for any therapies or medications you’re currently undergoing. You don’t have to do all of these poses in one session. Be easy to yourself.
1. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose
Use a folded blanket or firm pillow underneath your hips for support.
Add more height to the support if you’re more flexible.
Sit with your right side against the wall.
Lift your legs up along the wall at the same time as you lie back.
Your buttocks can be right up against the wall or a few inches away.
Experiment to find the height and distance that works for you.
Soften your throat as you relax your neck and chin.
You can keep your arms alongside your body, above your head, or in any comfortable position.
Remain in this position for up to 20 minutes.
You can perform a variation by allowing your legs to open wide to either side or bringing the soles of your feet together and bending your knees.
Release the pose by pushing yourself away from the wall.
This pose is thought to relieve stress that can contribute to thyroid imbalance.
It’s an excellent choice since it’s passive and helps to restore your balance.
2. Supported Shoulder Stand
You can use a folded towel or blanket under your shoulders for support.
Bring your shoulders to the edge of the blanket and let your headrest on the mat.
Lie flat on your back with your arms alongside your body and your palms facing down.
Press your arms and back into the floor for support.
On an inhale, lift your legs up to ninety degrees.
Slowly exhale and bring your legs over your head.
Your feet can balance in the air.
Bring your hands to your lower back to support your body.
Keep your fingers pointing up toward your hips with your pinky fingers on either side of your spine.
Raise your legs straight up toward the ceiling.
Aim to keep your shoulders, spine, and hips in one line if it’s possible.
You can also keep your hips away from your body at an angle.
Keep your chin tucked into your chest as you keep your neck in one position.
Release the pose by slowly releasing your legs back over your head.
Bring your arms back alongside the body.
On an inhale, slowly roll your spine down vertebrae by vertebrae and lift your legs to ninety degrees.
Exhale as you lower your legs to the floor.
It stimulates blood flow to the glands in the upper body. This is believed to have a positive effect on the efficiency of the thyroid.
Additionally, the way your chin is tucked into your chest in this position is believed to benefit thyroid function.
3. Fish Pose
Sit on your buttocks with your legs extended in front of you.
Move to one side at a time so you can place your hands underneath your buttocks.
Face your palms down and your fingers facing toward your toes.
Draw your elbows into each other and open your chest.
Slowly lean back onto your forearms and elbows.
Again, open your chest as much as possible and press into your arms to stay lifted.
Drop your head back if you feel comfortable.
Release by lifting your head, releasing your hands, and lying down on your back.
As you let your head hang back in the fish pose, you stimulate your thyroid by exposing the throat area.
4. Camel Pose
Come onto your knees with your feet extended behind you.
Keep your knees, hips, and shoulders in one line.
Place your hands at the base of your spine with your fingers facing down.
Keep your pinky fingers on either side of your spine.
Draw your elbows in toward each other and open your chest.
Keep pressing your thighs and hips forward as you slowly bend back.
Let your head drop back if it’s comfortable.
If you feel supported you can reach back to hold your ankles.
You can move onto your toes to make it easier to reach.
If you’re very flexible, you can walk your hands further up your legs.
Bring your hands back to your lower back before lifting up to release the pose.
Relax in child’s pose or downward-facing dog.
The strong neck extension in camel pose is said to stimulate the thyroid gland.
Increase circulation throughout the body.
5. Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose
Lie flat on your back and bend your knees to bring your heels in close to your body.
Bring your elbows to face toward the ceiling as you put your hands on the floor next to your head.
Keep your fingers pointing toward your shoulders.
Make sure your feet are not wider than your hips.
Press into your feet and on an exhale, lift up your tailbone and buttocks.
Draw the energy of your knees together and keep your thighs strong.
Press into the insides of your feet.
Then press into your hands as you lift up onto the crown of your head.
Next press all four points into the floor as you lift your head off the floor and straighten your arms.
Allow your head to hang back and release any tension in the throat.
Slowly release out the pose the same way you came up.
Allow yourself some time to completely relax your body.
Wheel pose is believed to be a heart opener, which means it gives you energy.
It also stimulates energy flow to the thyroid area as your neck opens.
Thanks a lot for reading till the end. I hope you found this post useful!